
06 September 2010


Join The Historian Read Along...

Five years ago, I was traveling on a long trip to Washington, DC for business.  I got there in early October and I had a room at a hotel that soon became my apartment for three months.  The weather was getting colder in the area, and I was starting to feel that crisp sense of creepiness that comes about with shorter days and colder nights.

I hadn't had a chance to read a thing -- I was working so many hours that by the time I walked out of the office building to head back to the hotel on the second week there, I knew that I had to get something to read, or I would go crazy with another night spent watching boring television or poring over reports and paperwork.  I headed to the local bookstore and milled around, feeling that sense of being alive that all of us bookworms share.  The coffee roasting, the people eyeing the recommended books...ahhh.

And that's when I saw it.  The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova, sitting on the shelves and beckoning me.  I picked it up, reading the book flap and instantly went to purchase without looking at another book.  I hurried back to the hotel, the night closing in on me, and I opened the book at my hotel desk, a cup of coffee to warm my chilled hands.  Within minutes, I was swept up and fearfully looked over my shoulder at every sound.  I had fallen in love.

Five years later, I was excited to connect with Tedious & Brief to co-host a read along.  This would be his first time reading The Historian, and it was on my shelf to re-read this year as well. And thus, On the Ledge Read Alongs was born...

The button is on my sidebar and we're hoping that anyone and everyone who wants to read (or re-read) The Historian will find some time to read about 100 pages each week starting September 20th for 6 weeks, ending on Sunday, October 31st for Halloween.  It should add well with any other creepy Halloween-esque challenge that you are participating in.  The schedule and overall vision is described on the welcome post.  All you need to do is jump onto the page, click on the "Follow" button to follow along, and pick up the book in time to start chatting by Sept. 20th.

So stop on over to On the Ledge Read Alongs...think about joining and reading 100 pages a week (or however many that you can) and participating in an ongoing weekly fireside chat to review all things spooky and debate the question on Dracula...is he myth?  Or is he...something more?

I hope you join!  We look forward to all of you jumping on board!

Join Me and Tedious & Brief!  It will be so much fun!
Coffee and a Book Chick


  1. Although I loved the book, O have no desire to re-read it. Still, it's a great idea for a readalong...have fun!

  2. :) We would definitely welcome you joining the chat! It should be creepy and fun, right? Goodness, I love Halloween!

  3. @ Peppermint Ph.D. -- Woohoo!! This is going to be fun!! :)

  4. I wish I had time to reread The Historian right now. I loved, loved, loved it when I first read it. It held me captive for days. I'll probably follow along with the discussion, if that's okay.

  5. This book is on my shelf as a to-read-or-not-to-read book. Thanks for this post.

    I wish I can read a book slowly, but I get lost and confused. I can only read one book at a time:(

  6. I haven't read it, but I've been meaning to for ages, so this seems like a great idea. I've checked the library and they've got a copy, so I'm in too! Hallowe'en is my very favourite time of year :)

  7. @ Literary Feline -- You are more than welcome to follow along on the discussion! Make sure you follow the site, and feel free to post the button to your blog, too!! I anticipate this being a fun ride through all things Dracula, the castle, Transylvania, Vlad the Impaler, Bram Stoker, etc., etc..!

    @ BookQuoter -- I think you would LOVE this book!! Try the first few chapters and I think you might get sucked in!

    @ GeraniumCat -- Woohoo!! So glad you can join!!

  8. My library has this, but only in large print... I will have to request a copy. I am in though, The Historian will go perfectly with my r.i.p. challenge!

  9. @ Whitney -- Yay!!!! I'm so glad you're going to be able to join!! You can grab the button to post onto your site, and make sure you jump onto the Read Alongs site and follow that so you get all the updates -- this is going to be fun!! Can't wait to get your thoughts on the book!

  10. I read this book last Fall and it's definitely a great Halloween-time read! Enjoy you re-read :)

  11. I've been meaning to read this one for years. I'm not sure if I can commit to the read-a-long, but I'm thinking about it!

  12. @ alitareads -- Thanks! You're welcome to follow along on the discussion at the http://ontheledgereadalongs.blogspot.com site as well!!

    @ nomadreader -- Ooh, you should join! You're going to have a fabulous read, and it's only 100 pages a week, so it'll be fun to read and chit chat with everyone! Jump onto the read alongs site to stay updated!! :)

  13. I'm in........fingers crossed no one borrows it from the library before I get there.

    I did a blogpost to spread the word.

  14. @ Amanda -- Yay!! I'm so glad -- it's going to be a blast!! Thanks for posting about it as well!

    @ Cat -- I'm going to do all kinds of fingers crossed, rain dances, etc., etc., for you to get the book! And thanks for posting about it, yay!! The more the merrier!!

  15. I have read this one and totally loved it. If my schedule wasn't packed I would re-read this for sure!! Enjoy and thanks for stopping by my blog today!

  16. Aw, sounds like fun! I read The Historian in 2005 when I was on a month-long trip to London. It was a miserably hot month, and I spent a lot of time lying around in my pajamas reading and complaining about the heat. :p I won't be participating this time around, but I'm looking forward to seeing everyone else's posts!

  17. @ Staci -- Ooh, if you get a chance to fit it into the schedule, swing by to the readalong site at http://ontheledgereadalongs.blogspot.com -- no pressure to get super-involved if you don't have time, we just want to have fun! And your blog is fabulous!! I'm a new follower!

    @ Jenny -- Definitely jump onto the readalong site and follow it -- it should be really fun and interesting! And you can get creeped out, too!!

  18. I enjoyed this one. Wonder if I can find my copy...

  19. Hi:
    Please stop by my blog, I have an award for you.

  20. Oh this is tempting! Very tempting! I'm going to think this over. Thanks :)

  21. @ Connie at SogniESorrisi -- Absolutely -- find that copy, it's going to be fun!

    @ CMash -- Hey, there!! Thanks for the award, I am stopping by!

    @ Brenna -- Brenna!! You have to join! (Ok, no peer pressure, here...!) :)

  22. I've been struggling to read this one. I'll definitely be joining.

  23. What a great story! I still haven't decided yet but I will let you know!

  24. I've heard nothing but great things about this book, but if I read creepy stuff I can't sleep. Sorry about that! But hope everyone has fun! (and what a great idea you have...perhaps a non-creep post-halloween read?)

  25. Oh boy - do you have any idea how tempting this is? I have had this book on my TBR shelf for over 3 years and so want to read it this year for the RIP challenge.

    However, since it took me nearly two weeks to even read this blog entry, I am not sure that I will too well with the challenge :( I will go check it out though!

  26. @ Kat e-- It is a fantastic read! Feel free to join!!

    @ Michelle (Red Headed Book Child) -- It's never too late to join, you can jump in anytime!

    @ Amy -- Woohoo!! So glad you can join!!

    @ Kittie Howard -- It is a very creepy read! And absolutely -- something not so creepy next time around for the readalong site!! :)

    @ Molly -- No worries! It will fit right in with the RIP Challenge, and you can absolutely join the readalong at any time!! I hope you can join, I would be interested to hear your thoughts on this one!!

  27. @ SH -- YAY!! Jump on and join! We'll definitely have a blast! (Sorry I missed you in my original comments response! *cringing*) :)

