
03 October 2010


Monday, Monday! What Are You Reading?

As always, thank you to all of the fabulous hosts for the Mailbox Monday meme that I get to participate in!  The Printed Page, BermudaOnion, and BookJourney!

This past week was a busy mailbox week -- a couple copies came in from Paperbackswap, but mostly everything was from some pretty fantastic publishers.  Not sure when I'm going to be able to read everything, but I've got to find the time -- no one ever said you needed to get some sleep, right?

I've been really looking forward to these, and I'm scheduled to post reviews this week for a couple of the ones below:

Okay, here's what it looks like from the bottom up:
I've got a busy week ahead for me, huh?  Might take me a bit longer, though...  How about you?  Have you read any of these?  And what did you get in this past week?

Happy Reading!
Coffee and a Book Chick


  1. I haven'r read any of them! Wait, that's not really true...I've read about a third of Wolf Hall. I still have plans to get back to it. Someday.

  2. I think I would struggle to get through Wolf Hall in a week, let alone all of those! Good luck!

  3. I have a copy of Wolf Hall that I am dying to crack open. It sounds like such a great book, and the reviews have been amazing! I will be very interested in hearing what you thought of it, and all of these others. I hope you have a wonderful reading week!

  4. I have Beat with me too!
    I hope you have a great week ahead!

  5. Having read the original Dewey book the sequel looks interesting. Wolf Hall is another one like The Historian where it's a huge book that I may read eventually but have no idea when.

  6. I'm with Marg; I'd be impressed if you could get through Wolf Hall in a week (it's good, just long and full of history).

    I look forward to seeing how you like Billionaire's Vinegar -- it's on my radar but I haven't committed to it yet.

  7. Oh I have several of those to read as well. I wanted to like Holly's Inbox, but the style did me in. Have a wonderful week reading I look forward to your reviews. My Monday: http://www.rundpinne.com/2010/10/its-monday-what-are-you-reading-104.html

  8. What a gorgeous pile of reading. I wouldn't start with Wolf Hall or you won't get to anything else. :-)

    Have a great reading week!

  9. Wow now that is a plan....

    I have heard great things about Louise Penny's works, definitely want to try her.

    I am interested in your thoughts on This One is Mine, it is a DNF for me.

    Have a great week.

    My post.


  10. I've heard the Billionaire's Vinegar is a good read. Hope you enjoy it.

  11. Oh Hollys In Box is one I still hope to get a chance to read. Great looking books!

  12. Looks like you got your week cut out for yourself. Enjoy!

  13. Wow great pile!!! I have Wolf Hall on my tbr too, but haven't got to it yet. Happy reading!

  14. I've got Wolf Hall; a long way down the priority list but Seven Year Switch is one I'm keen to read. Have a wonderful week and happy reading :)

  15. You might have to quit that day job if want to get all of those read this week! I've read Seven Year Switch and This One is Mine and they're very different books! I hope you enjoy them and have a great week in books.

  16. Oh man - I'm a HUGE Louise Penny fan and can't wait for Bury Your Dead to be released. I'm extremely jealous that you already have a copy! Enjoy!! :)

  17. Eeep--looks like a few months worth of reading for me! I read Holly's Inbox a few years ago and it was cute. I think there's a follow up floating around somewhere...? Wolf Hall is definitely on my list!

  18. Haven't read any of those, but they look interesting ;)
    Have a great week & happy reading!

  19. wow you have a big stack also. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I wish I could get all my reading in plus my TV shows and movies. Not enough time for all of it though. have a great reading week.

  20. I see several titles that I am curious about, and some that I have, like Seven Year Switch and This One is Mine.

    I've been wanting to read Holly's Inbox.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  21. Great week! I haven't read any of these, but the Dewey book has the cutest cover ever (this coming from a dog person!).

  22. Can't wait to read your thoughts on "this one is mine"

  23. I've read This One is Mine, and the first Dewey book. And I just got Holly's Inbox. :)

  24. I loved Holly's Inbox. It was such a fun, addictive read!

  25. I've been wanting to get my little hands on Wolf Hall. I can't wait to hear what you think! Enjoy the new loot.

  26. Wow! Holly's Inbox is huge! I thought it would be short for some reason! I have been wanting to read this one! Can't wait for your review!

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

    Tara@ Tamingthebookshelf.blogspot.com

  27. You're definitely going to be busy, that's for sure.

    I have BURY YOUR DEAD here from the library, waiting tbr. WOLF HALL is a future read for me. But the rest of your choices, I don't know. I'll have to investigate.

    Right this minute, more or less, I'm reading THE BLIND ASSASSIN by Margaret Atwood. (I've never read any Atwood before, so we'll see...)

    MURDER AT MANSFIELD PARK by Lynn Shepherd is another I hope to get to this week, as well as THE MURDERS OF RICHARD III by Barbara Peters. Of course the rest of my tbr pile beckons. I really need to stop going to the library...Yeah, right. Ha!

  28. WOW - some stack of books! I have read Holly's inbox (cute... like Bridget Jones). I have Wolf Hall but haven't read it yet.. and Cheap Cabernet as well.

    I hear great things about Seven Year Switch.

    Have a great week!

  29. Wolf Hall is one that's on the list for next year... after I decide my reading focus for 2011.

    I'm still getting through my 'read 10 books per month' personal challenge in 2010, but it's time to start planning!

  30. Sleep is overrated. Books are important! Great mailbox. Enjoy!!

  31. I loved Holly's Inbox and Seven Year Switch! That is a great mailbox. Many great titles in there! Enjoy them all.

  32. Ooooooo... your mailman must love bringing you the parcels of books each week. You done good :)

    Happy reading :)

  33. Seven Year Switch is on my wish list. Enjoy all your new books!

  34. Wow lot's of great books! I've read Holly's Inbox and really enjoyed it -- hope you do too!

  35. Hi! I just wanted to let you know there is an award for you on my blog!


  36. Oh wow. I haven't read any of those!

  37. Sleep? What sleep?

    I haven't read any of those, but it would be so awesome to stack some books and stare at them, (reading all of them is a totally different matter)!

  38. what a super haul--i'm hankering for a few! my mailbox was empty for the third week running--i'm drowning in school work over here and barely have time to breathe. :) is it thanksgiving yet???

  39. I haven't read any of those but I hope you enjoy them!

  40. It is definitely a full week of books and reading! But I definitely don't think I'll be able to do any more than two reviews...sigh!! But, this is the sort of problem I enjoy having and asking myself over and over again -- how am I going to read all of these books? :)

  41. I'll be interested to see what you think of Wolf Hall!

  42. Ooh is that the new Louise Penny book! I'm a bit jealous :)

    Love her series although I have to admit the last book didn't live up to my expectations. I'm hoping she'll turn it around with this one.

    Enjoy them!

  43. I've been meaning to read Wolf Hall for way too long. I really should read it soon, as I've heard some pretty damn good things about it.

    Looks like a great reading pile - enjoy.

