
06 November 2010

Giveaway Winners of Coffee and Fate, by R.J. Erbacher

Put it on this bookshelf

If you've haven't already read my gushing praise of R.J. Erbacher's Coffee and Fate, click here.  And now the winners for two copies of this 134 page wallop of a story are:
  1. Knitting & Sundries
  2. Literary Musings
Congratulations!  A separate note will be sent to you requesting your mailing address!

Happy Reading!
Coffee and a Book Chick


  1. Yay! Congratulations to the winners! They are in for a treat, from what I understand. I am off to grab my copy of this one now!

  2. Congratulations winners!!! and what very cool bookshelves!

  3. Thank you! I really want to read this one!

    Julie @ Knitting and Sundries

  4. Congrats to the winners. I hope you enjoy it as much as The Book Chick did!

