
01 December 2010


Victorian Literature Challenge 2011

Oh, my.  I'm signing up for a challenge.  But it feels so simple to sign up now when it starts in a month and I have the entire year to complete it.  I believe that I can do this, but I may need a gentle nudge and support from you all.  Would you care to join me?

I am going to try for somewhere between the levels of Hard Times and Desperate Remedies.  A lofty goal, yet I hope I can succeed.  I haven't quite decided on which books I'm going to read -- perhaps you can suggest your favorites for me?

Hosted by words, words, words, here are the details:

This challenge will run from 01 Jan 2011 - 31 Dec 2011.
Participants can sign up at any time throughout the year.

Read your Victorian literature.
Queen Victoria reigned from 1837-1901. If your book wasn't published during these particular years, but is by an author considered "Victorian," go for it.  We're here for reading!  Also, this can include works by authors from other countries, so long as they are from this period.

Literature comes in many forms.
There are so many Victorian reads out there, including novels, short stories, and poetry.  One poem doesn't count as a "book," though.  Instead, pick up an anthology instead!

Choose your books.
List your books before you begin, or pick up titles along the way.  It's up to you!  You can review them if you choose to, but it's not necessary.  If you don't have a blog, that's fine!  Link to a Facebook, or a page somewhere where you can list what you've been reading.  If you can't link up, no problem - feel free to just comment and enjoy.

Spread the love.
Post the reading challenge on your blog - make your own post(s), or stick the button on the side of your page.  The more the merrier, after all.  Let's build a big community of Victorian literature lovers!

Choose from one of the four levels:
Sense and Sensibility:  1 - 4 books
Great Expectations:  5 - 9 books
Hard Times:  10 - 14 books
Desperate Remedies:  15+ books

Visit words, words, words' site and consider joining the many bloggers who have already signed up!

Happy Reading!
Coffee and a Book Chick


  1. Oh, this sounds like a lot of fun!

  2. You can do it! You can do it! I hope with this challenge we can all help cheer each other on!

  3. This sounds really interesting- I think I could only make Great Expectations though!

  4. I'm still toying with whether or not to join this challenge but I am working on a reading list for it, just to be prepared. Maybe check out the posts from other participants for reading ideas? Vanity Fair is great, as are most of Mrs. Gaskell's works. If I join, I'm hoping I'll finally get around to reading Dickens and Trollope!

  5. Ooh, that sounds excellent! I love Victorian lit! Count me in.

  6. Good Luck with this Natalie! I hope that you do very well, and I will be looking forward to your reviews!

  7. I've been looking for some challenges for 2011 and this sounds perfect! Thanks for the recommendation - I'll probably shoot for Great Expectations.

  8. Yes, count me in! Although it will probably be in the 1-4 books range. But who knows? I might surprise myself and read more . . .

  9. I suppose I could suggest a Victorian favorite. But I had better not. I have a whole blog of almost nothing but Victorian favorites!

    Best of luck picking books.

  10. I'm doing this one too! I think I'm most excited to read Wuthering Heights, Cranford, and The Woman in White...actually I'm excited about all of them!

  11. This looks like a great challenge - I'm thinking I'm going to have to jump on board. Maybe I'll bring myself to read Dickens. By the way I love the new look on your blog!

  12. This sounds like a lovely challenge. Enjoy!

    Your blog is looking beautiful. :)

  13. Sounds like quite a challenge. I love Victorian novels! Looking forward to your upcoming comments.

  14. Oh, I think I have to take this challenge. I'm fairly sure I can only make Great Expectations though I would like to do more.

  15. This sounds good. I'm thinking I might sign up. Lots of great Victorian or Victorian 'style' lit out there. By the way: I like your new blog design!

  16. Love the new header!!! I am pretty sure you will enjoy the challenge!!

  17. I am so torn!! I already have 5 resolutions for the 2011 calendar year, but this challenge sounds amazing!! I have a long-term goal to read a book published in ever year from 1800-present. This challenge would really help me read some of those books! I think I might just sign up for the lowest level, so even if I only read one it's okay!

  18. I'm unofficially participating in this one! I'm just starting my own classics project, and many of the books I plan to read would count toward this challenge. As soon as I commit to a challenge, though, I end up getting stressed out! I bet we'll end up reading some of the same books. If I come across any particularly exceptional ones, I'll let you know! Good luck!!

  19. Good luck on your challenge. Sounds like a good one.

  20. I'm trying not to join any challenges but oh seeing this one makes me very tempted!

    Have fun with it and share with us what books you'll be reading!

  21. Okay, this is IT. This is my second challenge for 2011 and my last. (Well, except for my own Short Story Challenge, but that ends February 14th) I've joined the Vintage Mystery Challenge and now the Victorian, so I'm going to be stuck firmly in the past next year. At least for part of the time. And loving it. :)

  22. Have fun! Many of my favourite authors are from this period, so I think you're in for a treat!

  23. Sounds like fun, I'm just trying not to join any challenges this year. Too much of my reading for 2010 was obligatory. ;)

    Your header is gorgeous!

  24. I hadn't heard of this challenge yet and I ALMOST want to pretend I didn't see this post :P How can I resist the Victorians?

  25. What an awesome challenge. I love to read ABOUT this time period but haven't read much FROM that time period. Hmmm....

  26. I will be joining in this challenge too but I'm not sure which level to do yet. Must get my thinking cap on.

  27. I can't wait to compare all of our Victorian reads. This is such a great idea for a challenge!

  28. I'm becoming very tempted to join this, especially since my one big goal for next year is to read all the Victorians I can. I especially recommend The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins, North & South, Wives & Daughters and Cranford by Elizabeth Gaskell, and maybe Dickens if you think you might like him. I'm enjoying Our Mutual Friend most of all his books I've tried. I've also come to like Anthony Trollope this year and of course there's the Brontes (Villette by Charlotte Bronte is good but sad) and George Eliot, Middlemarch is very rewarding.

  29. Ooh, I'm getting more and more excited for this challenge, especially seeing everyone who has signed up for it! I think, since I like creepy Gothic stuff, I might focus on Victorian Gothic novels! Wilkie Collins and all, right? :)

