
15 January 2012

For my fellow bloggers on Google Blogger (blogspot)... finally, we have threaded commenting. That means we can reply back to individual comments versus having to do it in one bulk response and bolding the commenter's name, etc., etc. Finally. We are no longer behind the times and can keep up with our fellow WordPress friends!

I linked to the article for it above, so it should show you step-by-step how to implement it (only two steps). You do have to use the new Blogger interface, not the old Blogger dashboard (easy switch). If you have a custom blog design and threaded commenting is not working even after you've made the simple required changes, you might need to contact the designer for your blog so they can help facilitate it for you as there might be a need for extra HTML coding to correct it.

Otherwise, it's a cinch to set it up. I love it.


  1. I love it too! For some reason by comments switched themselves to the new style and it is so much better. I can finally reply to people :)

  2. I was super impatient, but all I had to do was wait a little bit and it started working for me. =)

  3. I've been waiting for this for a while. It's fantastic!

  4. Thanks for the info - just updated my blog :)

  5. Wool! Thanks! I just tried to update my blog but my comments aren't playing ball yet. Is it for all future comments or does it apply to all previous comments too?

    1. It should be updated immediately upon change, and will apply to all posts. I think they mentioned in the help or FAQs that if you don't see anything within a day or so to reach out to their help center. Oh, and also make sure you're using the new Blogger dashboard interface instead of the old standard dashboard! Enjoy!

  6. I'm going to look into this. I am horrible with technical improvements in my blog, but they usually make things pretty easy to do.

    1. It's literally only two steps from what I can tell. You just need to make sure you're using the new Blogger interface for the dashboard also, instead of the old standard view.

  7. So glad you told me, Natalie! This is one of the (few) things that I miss about being with WordPress. XO

  8. I added Disqus to my blog just a few days ago and am absolutely loving being able to respond directly to the commenter!!

  9. I won't have a chance to implement the changes until tomorrow, but I'm SUPER excited about this!

  10. I know! I'm so thrilled. I'm eating it up!

  11. This is so cool! I am going to have my husband set it all up for me this afternoon if possible. Thanks for letting us know!

  12. Thanks for mentioning this -- I'd been looking into Disqus but now don't have to!

    1. Now that I've done this for both of my blogs, I want to thank you again, Natalie! I'd refused the new dashboard months ago because I didn't like it... but after I switched, I was glad to notice an option (new or old, I'm not sure!) for enabling a layout for mobiles. I guess I should look around more in the settings--who knows what else might lurk there!?

  13. Oh Natalie thank you so very much for staying on top of blogger's features and sharing this exciting news with us! I have been looking at switching to WP for a few weeks now but hopefully this will solve my main complaint with Blogger! You rock girl!

  14. The threaded comments are so nice ... I'm on WordPress, but have to confess that I haven't yet activated them. Time to tackle my blog's 'to do' list!

  15. Thanks for the heads up :-) - very easy to make the changes and it's going to be great being able to answer each comment individually.

  16. I've been using IntenseDebate for over a year now; I am so hesitant to switch back to Blogger's commenting system but would love to do so because I know people have problems with ID. I wonder how difficult it would be...

  17. Finally! One of the things I've never liked about Blogger was the commenting style, though I've seen different versions of it on different blogs now. This is great news for all! I don't like Intense Debate at all, either.

  18. Thank you so much! I've wanted threaded commenting for so long, and, for a while, I even implemented Disqus, but I lost other features that I liked and switched back!

  19. This is the most exciting thing I've heard all week! =D

  20. That really is exciting! I started with wordpress and am still there (LOVE IT!) and did not know that blogger was unable to do it until these recent posts have popped up.

  21. Hmm, I made the small changed that they indicated and the buttons show up to reply but when I click on reply nothing happens. I don't get a comment box. I'm not sure what is going on.

    1. I just jumped onto your site and tried also, and you're right, it's not working. That is odd! I did read one person waited a few hours and it seemed to come up, but it also may depend on the type of web browser you use? I have a Mac, and I use Google Chrome as my browser instead of Safari. You may also want to email the Google Help Desk team.

      The article Blogger posted is that you have to have your comments embedded which you do, but do you also have it set to Full under Post Feed Redirect? That may be it, too?

    2. I felt that I needed to drop back by this post and give you an update. All of a sudden, today, the threaded comments started working for me! I have been checking and checking everyday and still nothing - even after making changes that I have read about trying everywhere. I had pretty much given up, and then all of a sudden...poof! So now I have finally entered the world of threaded comments!

  22. Alleluia! Thanks for sharing the news! I've made the switch and am already loving it.

