
28 May 2012


The Stand...along for the Summer

Oh, heck YEAH, I'm joining Trish's readalong for Stephen King's The Stand. This will be perfect for The Stephen King Project that Kathleen and I are hosting this year. The Stand is a book I wanted to read this year anyway, and I thought I'd be reading it more in the fall, but hey, if there are going to be a bunch of folks reading it around the same time, then sign me up!

There are two versions of this book, with Stephen King expanding on the story in 1990. I'm going with that "uncut" version for this readalong and I am stoked. I've heard that this is *the* book to read if you want to read Stephen King.

Here are Trish's basics for the readalong:
  • When: June 1st through July 27th
  • Where: Post your sign up by clicking here. Post midway through the book will go up July 1st, wrap-up will go July 27th. (If you are reading the original version, you should be at Chapter 38 for the midway check-in. If you are reading the "uncut" version, you should be at Chapter 48 for the midway check-in.)
  • How: However you want. Original (shorter) version, Uncut version, Audio version.
Standalong Get to Know You
  1. What makes you want to read The Stand? It's one I've always wanted to read, but my enthusiasm ramped up even more so since Kathleen and I started The Stephen King Project this year. I've heard it's the book to read!
  2. Describe your preconceived notions of The Stand? It's insanely huge, it's going to consume my life, and I am so READY.
  3. What was the last scary(ish) book you read or movie you saw? I love, LOVE scary books and movies. The last really scary book I read was another Stephen King book, 'Salem's Lot. That one had me looking over my shoulder.
  4. Which version of the book will you be reading? I'll probably do a combo of the hardback from the library or ebook version.
  5. What are your previous experiences with Stephen King? I've been reading a number of his works this year because of The Project, so I feel I've been getting a good education on his writing style. Which I LOVE.
  6. Anything else you'd like to add (bonus points for being extra random). Stephen King is the MAN.
So why not join? Let's have fun with Stephen King over the summer!


  1. I have started this book a million times. Or, at least it feels that way. But, I've never finished it. I just get far too frightened, although so many people say they love it. Maybe, maybe, I'll join you. Not sure. ;)

  2. This book is my second favorite of King's after 11/22/63. I think you will really enjoy it!

  3. Good Luck with this one! I know I won't be able to join in, but I wish you much success!

  4. I am glad to get the kick that I need to finally read a Stephen King novel. This event should be a lot of fun. I am looking forward to the discussion opportunities.

  5. I'm joined up with the Standalong, too. I'm super excited to finally be reading it. I'm definitely going with the uncut version, too. Enjoy! =)

  6. I'm probably going to throw up my hands and jump in soon! Might as well...I need to get back into the swing of King :)

  7. My thoughts exactly...this book is freakin' ginormous!!

  8. You people are crazy! That's what I say every time I see one of these posts pop up in Bloglovin. I am such a chicken. Seriously, I can't even watch Law & Order: SVU without freaking out and turning my alarm on at 7 p.m. So The Stand? I don't think so. You guys can stay up late and scare the pants off yourselves without me, thankyouverymuch. But I will be watching to see who pees their pants first. ;)

  9. I already read this and I had to be browbeaten into doing so, but I really am glad I read it. King has such a way of constructing interesting and unforgettable mini-stories of side characters, and though they probably could be edited out, one finds one doesn't want them to be!

  10. Enjoy. It remains one of my favorite books in general, and definitely at the top of my list for King books.

  11. Oooh, have fun! I haven't really had an urge to pick up more King novels but your enthusiasm is so infectious I might just have to!

  12. I'm glad you're joining in and hopefully you can give the rest of us some context of how this book stands compared to the rest of King's work.

  13. Fun!! This will be the best way to finally reread The Stand. I'm joining in!

  14. I'm so happy you're joining! It's HUGE, isn't it? I'm surprised I was able to wait until June 1st to read it, but I'm glad the day is finally here. I am ready!

  15. Yay yay yay!! I"m so glad you're joining the readalong. And funny that you're actually in the minority for LOVING scary things. Think the rest of us are wimps. ;)

    Can't wait!

  16. How's it going so far for you??? I'm not very far into it yet but I'm already intrigued :) I need to try and catch up a bit this week. Hope you are enjoying it :)

  17. I can't wait to hear what you all think of the book!

