
21 July 2012


Saturday Snapshot: Antique Car Show

I just love the grill of this car. While it retains this super-cool feeling of a time gone by, I think it also has a little bit of creepy to it as well. Like a little bit of Stephen King? Or something.

Anyway, after reading Under my Apple Tree's post last week that her pictures have been lifted online and her watermark cropped out, I think I'm going follow her lead and add the watermark somewhere more in the middle of the picture so it can't be stolen. Granted, all my stuff is on one-of-those-picture-apps, but here on the blog, I want to retain what I can. Wishful thinking?

For more Saturday Snapshots or to participate, please visit Alyce with At Home With Books.


  1. I see what you mean about that grill - it's like the car could eat you or something! Great photo!

  2. Yes, I was thinking Steven King too! Remember his short story called 'Trucks'? That one. Gah!

  3. Nice shot! I've always wanted to know how you do that... put your watermark on the photo. ;)

  4. LOL - I love that you find creepy in the grill.....

  5. I see what you mean! Great picture!

  6. I thought Stephen King right away too! I haven't been to any auto shows this year and I miss them. My husband used to own a show car and we sort of burned out on going to a lot of shows.

    I completely understand about the watermark. I've had several images and entire blog posts stolen, and those the ones I found out about. A watermark that can't be cropped out is the only way to deter unauthorized use, IMHO anyway.

  7. Wow, look at that car! My Snapshot is at http://goo.gl/ha45K

  8. It seems a lot of photo "borrowing" is going on these days...especially on FB for some reason? I've hesitated on adding a watermark to my photos but I think I'll probably have to. I don't mind sharing but I don't appreciate borrowing without permission :/
    That photo is Christine all the way...a great read but one of the worst movies :(

  9. I have a "thing" for old cars. Especially convertibles! Of course if I owned one, I'd be scared to take it out of the garage, but I like admiring them. This one is sharp! Like a mob car!

  10. fantastic shot! and, it's probably a really good idea to include a watermark in your picture, that's a great one :) Book Savvy Babe

  11. Ah, I love those old cars...I can remember them from my childhood (some of them, anyway...lol).

    Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

  12. I wouldn't have thought of it as creepy, but now that you mentioned it I can see the eeriness. :)

  13. You only have to worry if the lights turn an evil yellow or red and start blinking at you in a menacing way. :-)

    Here's my Snapshot.

  14. That's an old car. One good way to have a signature on the photo.

  15. That grill is a little spooky, but some of the grills on cars today seem really intimidating, like pit bulls. Great, shiny photo. Here's Mine

  16. Old cars are so strong and sturdy. they make you feel safe when you're in them. Sorry to here about the pics being lifted. That completely sucks.

  17. I love old cars! That's a terrific picture.

    My Snapshot

  18. What a cool looking car. You picked a great shooting angle for this shot.

